A More Entertaining Way to Learn

Short, educational, musical videos that can help a child or adult easily remember things
What is Cenapsis

Committed To Excellence

Cenapsis produces a series of musical videos created by Dennis Nowicki, a retired certified teacher of many subjects, as well as an experienced singer/songwriter. From his home in Okinawa, he carefully researches his topics, writes the lyrics, composes the song, and using computer software and recording equipment, assembles and performs these educational and entertaining videos.

Popular Videos

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The Presidents Birthdays

Remembering the day each of the Presidents was born

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Americas Capital Cities

Memorize all of the capital cities of the countries of the Americas

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The Presidents' Kids

Recall the names of the children of the Presidents

Educational Videos

Geography: Countries of the World
All 195 Recognized Independent Countries of the World
International Politics: The British Monarchy
The British Royalty from Anne to Charles III
Mystery: The Tippecanoe Curse
Tecumseh and the Curse he placed on Future Presidents
Presidential Lives: Washington's Song
A Video on the Life of George Washington
US Politics: The Day the Presidents Died Song
The month and day the Presidents passed, from Washington to Bush
Fairy Tales: The Rindercella Song
A humorous adaptation of the classic fairy tale

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Kobo Libra 2's improved 7" HD E Ink Carta 1200 touchscreen delivers a faster display, quicker page turns, and deeper contrast.

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